slowly but surely...

It's been a slow week on the blog/design front. But look, I AM writing with in three days of my last post. So, I should get brownie points for that, right? Mmmmm, brownies!

This coming week is THE week. It's when I begin ACTUALLY taking my precious sketches and slowly turning them in to No, because it's not TECHNICALLY wearable art (dislike the stuff, mostly). But in one sense, it IS wearable art, because to me, fashion IS art. And one does typically WEAR or at least carry -- as in purses -- fashion. For now though, we'll stick with fashion as a description of what I'm going to be creating. Because "fashion" I believe also incorporates art.

Now, there's also the question of "clothing". Currently, I am wearing clothing. No, that doesn't mean that most other times I'm running around stark naked -- wouldn't my husband love that! It means that I don't typically wear "fashion", or "high fashion" or something of the sort. I don't usually look as though I've stepped from a runway or a couture fashion magazine. But, seriously, who among us does? And for all you who do...I dislike you, greatly. Because I not only DO NOT have the time to do such, I also do not have the finances or the where with all to accomplish such great feats on a daily -- or even monthly -- basis.

But, I digress. Back to the point. I WEAR clothing. I CREATE fashion -- which I also sometimes wear. Confused yet? Me too.

So, Monday morning, I believe I will start with the fundamentals of taking a fashion sketch and turning in into fashion. Of course, I will NOT be using my collection sketches as examples, but I will take a sketch of mine and show you all how I do it. It may not be the way you do it, or even the "right" way to create. But, it's MY way. And it's the only way I know. AND I happen to love the way I work. Granted, most of the time I fly by the seat of my pants. But, at least they're custom made and look great on me!

Alright, then. Off to the drawing board. Both literally and figuratively. Well, mostly literally. I don't actually have a drawing BOARD. More of a sketch pad, but you get the point. I hope, at least. Till next time!

au revoir,

I've been working on something big. Well, big for me. I'm not going to show any pictures, yet, because I'm paranoid that someone will snatch the idea right out from under me, and I'll loose out on...on what, you ask? Well, that's to be determined by exactly how BIG this idea is. So, I'll share general information on it, and let you in on MY creative processes. Wow, scary idea, that.

So, this started out as a simple conversation with my husband about a little less than a year ago. How's that for vague? Good, I thought. We began the conversation like this: "what's that word I use to describe Samantha (names have, obviously, been changed)? We went from there, to what Hipster kids might or might not be wearing in the next 10 to 20 years. And we finally -- after about thirty minutes or so -- ended with this amazing idea for a collection of clothing. For really reals.

So, a dozen or so fashion sketches later, and many MANY conversations later, I have some working designs for this amazing little collection. It's still in the beginning stages, of course. And I'm not happy with ALL of my ideas, and sometime soon, may need to interject some fresh ideas from various people. Some day soon-ish, though, I may just have my very own fledgling collection of clothing that 100% me, and little tiny parts other people in my life who's ideas and creative spirit I love and respect.

I guess you could say, I'm starting this blog -- which I've started and stopped a LOT over the past two years -- to keep me on some sort of track, and to keep a record of what I'm learning and doing. Feel free to snoop around, and get some sort of joy through osmosis of the creative process.

Enjoy. And look forward to newer and more exciting posts in the future? I don't know. Maybe they won't be exciting to anyone other than myself. But I will certainly enjoy them.

au revior,

...a bit about me

A slightly less than self-explanatory narration of my life and times as a creative.